July 17, 2023

Here's the Table of Contents

What's in the book? We have had some inquiries. Take a look at the Table of Contents:

Thriving on a Riff: Jazz and the Spiritual Life
William G. Carter
© 2023

Introduction: Counting Off the Tempo

  1. The Wow Moment: The Possibility of Sonic Transcendence

Improvisation: Ebo’s Waltz

  1. What Are They Doing? An Introduction to Jazz

Improvisation: Tale Spinning

  1. Crossing the Dotted Line: Discerning Sacred and Secular

Improvisation: Mind the Gap

  1. A Message from Headquarters

Improvisation: Listening for Selah

  1. The Sparks and Flames of Human Creativity

Improvisation: Refracted Light

  1. Broken But Beautiful: What It Means to Be Human

Improvisation: Lesson in Dissonance

  1. That Healin’ Feeling: The Soundtrack of Restoration

Improvisation: What About the Legs?

  1. Prayers Lifted on a Saxophone

Improvisation: Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Coltrane’s Ascension

  1. Babel and Bebop: The End Was in the Beginning

Improvisation: Another Uncle

  1. Jazz and Our Hidden Wound

Improvisation: Hell-Bent

  1. The Hang: Grooving in Community

Improvisation: How Many Musicians Are In Your Quartet?

  1. Paying Back the Universe: Swinging with Purpose

Improvisation: Somebody’s Calling

  1. Jazz in the Cathedral and Other Great Ideas

Improvisation: Homily from the 50th Anniversary of the Guaraldi Mass

  1. Does This Song Ever End?

Improvisation: Are You Going to Talk About Heaven?


Glossary of Jazz Terms

Recommended Recordings



July 11, 2023

More endorsements

We are pleased to receive some additional affirmation for Thriving on a Riff. Here are a few endorsements:

  • If you've ever been moved by music... Improvised ways to enliven your soul... Pull up a chair, pour yourself a drink, and dive in to Thriving on a Riff. This is prayer. - Diane Stephens Hogue, spiritual director and former convener, Liturgy & Spirituality Seminar Group, North American Academy of liturgy.
  • Jazz is born of diversity; it requires openness. It's a shared improvisational thread that can overcome bigotry and unite all who embrace it. In these pages, Bill Carter - who cheekily confesses that he was put on Earth to "pray the piano" - rhapsodizes about the timeless euphoria of wholly embracing a transformative jazz performance. He's a born raconteur; readers from every walk of life will enjoy his sublime gift of sharing the jazz world's more uplifting and provocative stories, and for gently reminding us of music's power for spiritual healing.  - Derrick Bang, author of Vince Guaraldi at the Piano.

July 9, 2023

Summerfest, and the Living is Easy

 I've been talking about jazz for more years than I can count, often from piano bench. Tonight was a very special gathering for the ecumenical Summerfest in Cortland, NY. Music and words - an unannounced preview of material from the upcoming book. 

It will be fun to take this material on the road, so let me know if you'd like to experience it in your town.

Thanks to longtime friends Dave and Barb Johnson, who made this evening happen. Big fun!

July 8, 2023

Professors of Practice

That's what they call the experts who know what to do: professors of practice. I have great fun convening our Blue Note Tribute Band for an outdoor concert in upstate New York.

We don't merely talk about music. We make it. 

Wish you could have been there!

Enjoy our launch concert!