It's written.
It's edited.
It's copyedited.
It's described and proposed.
It's contracted.
Now, it's under the microscope in the publishing house, being reviewed for style, formatted, formulated, and prepared. I've been asked to review the updated "package." That includes nearly twenty passages that need new footnotes and a dab of my editing.
While that process has been underway, I've secured official permission from a half-dozen sources to quote or utilize other people's material. It's no surprise the publishers for Henri Nouwen and Thomas Merton requested modest fees for some brilliant passages that I used. Pleasantly, the University of Chicago Press allowed me to quote a long paragraph for free.
Even better, I enjoyed a generous e-mail conversation with Dave Brubeck's attorney. He was deeply interested in my work and requested that I forward all my mentions and allusions to Dave for his review. And for the Brubeck family's review. I was glad to send it along, although I second guessed whether or not my research (and memories) were accurate. Fortunately, he expressed his personal affirmation - and the Brubeck family's support - for the project. No fee necessary.
Next up: securing endorsements for the back cover, inside cover, and promotional use.